Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday, what??Again??

LOL. I still hate Mondays...don't know why but I do. I guess it is just the working woman mind set...Monday=back to work, oh well, I'll get over it eventually.....hmmm, maybe.

You see that image up above? Isn't it beautiful? Well, let me tell you...the_eye of did that picture....she took one of my pictures out of my shop and did that, she's good!!!

I will have to play around with my pictures when I get a chance now. I know I won't be able to do as good as hers but I can dream.....LOL

Okay, what did I find for halloween today? Pretty soon it will be too late to get halloween stuff in the mail though so guess this will be the last one, I will start on Thanksgiving tomorrow.

CasieNippers...BeBe Babies and Friends


bumblebeadzzz2007.....Ah Ha!!! another scrabble tile pendant maker like me!!!


DeadSpider....OOOOOOOO witchy stuff!!!!

Well, that is it for halloween, have a great one, see you tomorrow!


  1. sweeet!!!

    You blogged me! I'm all excited heehee...

    I'd be happy to help you tweak a few more of your shots anytime.

    *happy dance*

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
