Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Movie

Well, went to see twilight the movie on Friday 11/21/08 and I thought it was great. Yes, there were things in the movie that weren't in the book and things that were in the book that weren't in the movie but no adaptation is ever as good as the book so I was very happy with the movie. I plan on going to see it again because I was too close to the screen the first time. I also plan on buying the DVD as soon as it comes out. I am still trying to figure out how to do my pendants for the book without copyright infringement....just haven't figured anything out yet. Well, that is not completely true, I do have a flameheart with the name Cullen in it on one of my pendants and I could do one for Edward, Bella, Jacob, so forth. Just wish I could come up with a picture though that would convey the movie that was not copyrighted. Oh well, something will come to me or the graphic artist that I have asked to work on it. When she figures it out I will be happy and she will be able to make some money....LOL.

The production company announced the next day that they "will" be making the next book in the series into a movie....New Moon. I can't wait......I love this series!! They made their investment back on the movie twice over just this weekend. They spent $37 million to make the movie and they made $70.4 million just over this weekend!! They had a very small budget because they are an indie film maker and they had never had a blockbuster before....this is only their 6th film so I think they did fantastic, all things considered, and I believe they will do even better on the next one. The stars have already signed on for the sequel.

I actually had to work today because we are in training and will be missing Thursday and Friday. It wasn't too bad though, the instructor kept us busy so the day went by fast but hated getting up that early on a Sunday!!

Well, I guess we will start looking at Christmas things next week. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Job!!!!

<------Oldest Granddaughter (wearing my turquoise net necklace)!!!

I recently went job hunting because I was not happy with the changes that were going on at my work. I had already been told that come the first of the year, because of being bought by another company, that I was going to lose my Assistant Supervisor title and I had already lost the actual job. They weren't going to take my pay away but my whole point of the promotion in the first place was to move up and they were making it clear that was not happening. I was not the only one they did that to though, all of the Assistant Supervisors lost their job and will lose the title in January. Well, went out and found another job, pays slightly less but considering my job at old company and the one at new company it should have been a lot less....hmmmm.

Anyway, start the new job Monday and it will be 5 days a week for the 6 weeks of training and then I go to 4 on and 3 off....Woo Hoo!!!! I love being in training, it is always so easy!! If I could make money by being in school constantly I definitely would. Yes, I know some people actually do that by changing their major before they finish, but I hate not finishing something so, that is not an option for me.....LOL.

So, what do we have for Thanksgiving Shops on etsy....

Mouse Productions

Wind Flower

The Cozy Loft

Frannie's Heart

Well, that is all for today......have a great night all!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Birthday!!!!

Well, today is my birthday....age? what's age? LOL. Anyway, my oldest daughter (digital altered art is of her) and her boyfriend and her oldest daughter took me to dinner last night for my birthday. They took me to Mickey Mantles in the city. OMG!!! They kept telling me not to look at the prices was sooooo expensive. The dinners come with nothing but the meat/seafood and the lowest one I saw was 29.95!!! If you want potatoes, vegetables, etc. then it costs extra, anywhere from 5.95 for the baked potato on up, the stuffed mushroom appetizer was 10.95. I am just not used to spending so much for one dinner, but I did have a good time and I finally ignored the prices and got what I wanted, I figured this was a one time indulgence that I get to have without having to pay for it myself....LOL.

So, let's see what I can find for Thanksgiving today on etsy.....

RockAbyeRetro-Adorable outfit!!

StampinGirl2-for Scrappers!


GotTags-Tags of course!

EliteElishi-A PIF!!

Well that's it for today......see you later all!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


OMG I am sooooo sorry I have been so lax in my blog! I started reading the book twilight and couldn't stop, ended up reading all four books and then went to Stephanie Meyer's website and read the rough draft of book 5. I LOVE this series and now I found out the movie for the first book twilight is coming out this month.... 11/21/08, I can hardly wait and I don't usually go see movies I just wait for them to come out on DVD, not this one though!!!! I added the movie trailer above this post...hope you like it. Now, back to work.

I made my first and second sale. First was on 10/23/08 and the second one was on 11/01/08. I was so excited!!! I am still on cloud nine about them. I am going to go surf etsy now and see if I can find those Thanksgiving sites I promised. Hold on, be right back......LOL.

WoodCraftsandCandles gingerbread candles?

KindredSpiritSweets Sweets of course!

StoriesDivinations note cards.

PetitePeaPods How adorable........

SweetSassyBoutique Again, adorable!!

Okay, that is it for today. I will try to keep up with this better now. Bye for now!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday, what??Again??

LOL. I still hate Mondays...don't know why but I do. I guess it is just the working woman mind set...Monday=back to work, oh well, I'll get over it eventually.....hmmm, maybe.

You see that image up above? Isn't it beautiful? Well, let me tell you...the_eye of did that picture....she took one of my pictures out of my shop and did that, she's good!!!

I will have to play around with my pictures when I get a chance now. I know I won't be able to do as good as hers but I can dream.....LOL

Okay, what did I find for halloween today? Pretty soon it will be too late to get halloween stuff in the mail though so guess this will be the last one, I will start on Thanksgiving tomorrow.

CasieNippers...BeBe Babies and Friends


bumblebeadzzz2007.....Ah Ha!!! another scrabble tile pendant maker like me!!!


DeadSpider....OOOOOOOO witchy stuff!!!!

Well, that is it for halloween, have a great one, see you tomorrow!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday again

Oops, forgot to check out the halloween things on etsy yesterday, sorry about that. I will have to try better today....I listed a lot of new pendants on my etsy store yesterday and today, check it out.

White Magic.....lots of great things here.

Beyond the Poison Apple.... more great things!

Fooka Designs....a few things here too!!

PeaSoup.....some more great things.

PickleBerryPunch....some cute little headbands.

Well, talk to you tomorrow.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Well, been working on my etsy shop all day redoing my pics. I got the first page done and a couple of pics on the second page so I am making headway but it sure is time consuming!

Anyway, just found out about this thing called twitter, kind of like a chat room that is going is fun, I already have 10 followers..... I didn't think I would like it at first, but it grows on you. It is interesting just checking in and seeing what people are doing during the day, or night....

My newest digital painting is to the left, what do you think, I am still undecided, I think I like it, but not sure yet.... Yes I am, I like it....hey I can change my mind if I want.

Well, back to the photos, talk to you all later.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Talking to myself?

You know it occurred to me today that I could be just talking to myself in these posts. I have no idea if anyone is reading this stuff or not. Oh well, if I am it is cheaper than therapy...LOL.

So, Halloween is getting closer, my favorite holiday.....I love Halloween. The costumes, the decorations, the candy, which I can't have anymore....the kids. I love to watch the kids, they say and do some of the cutest things at halloween. I have grandkids from 8months to 18 years so I have a blast at halloween with them.

Everyone seems to be taken with this new Twilight show. I must confess that I have not yet seen it because I have been so busy lately. It sounds like just my thing though since I love Vampire movies, shows, etc.... Although I do not like horror at all, go figure. LOL.

So, who did I find for halloween goodies today, sorry I missed yesterday, I will try to make up for it with todays finds....

Seneca Pond Crafts
this one actually has both halloween and Christmas.

CreepSuela Oh the hats!!!


Sweet Sticker Express Hey this is a new store that has halloween and other stickers and labels.

Ardent Curse If you are into the blythe doll craze this is the place for halloween things.

Medusa Creations OOOOO, masks!!!!

Okay, that's it for tonight, have a great one! :-)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


So, I am so bummed. My show wasn't on tonight like it was supposed to be. I watch Eureka on the sci-fi channel every Tuesday. I love the idea of all the gadgets on the show....some of them are way out there but some might actually be invented someday, and then of course there are those that could possibly happen someday but would we really want them?

There I go rambling again. I am very into sci-fi, did I mention that? Well, of course I did, I always do....LOL. I love to imagine what life will be like if a certain gadget is invented, or certain things come to pass. I would love to live for a long time just to see the changes that will happen. Can you imagine living through all the changes of the last 100 years? And the next 100 should be even more interesting!!

Well, need to work on my pendants for awhile, got my order of bails in today so I can finish up some pendants and get them posted tomorrow. Before I leave here are the shops I found today.....

Happy Haven

BeBop Moon

White Magic


Orpheus Alchemy

Well, that's all for tonight, thanks for stopping in and have a wonderful night. :-)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday Blues

I guess the Monday blues happens even when not working, at least for me it does. I am still out for a while, still typing one handed, which takes forever. I woke up this morning and thought, ugh, it's Monday. Now, why should I care that it is Monday? I have no idea but apparently the Monday morning blues happens even if you don't have to go to work that day, very interesting....LOL.

I can't wait until my arm is better so I can start beading again. I have had to quit beading during all this or my arm will not get better and I will lose all use of that arm. Not something I want to happen but it is sooooo hard not to bead!!

Well, I did do some surfing on etsy though and found some more shops with Halloween things.....


Witch Hollow Primitives (Witchhollowprims)

Signs of Happiness

Sleepy Hollow Prims

Well, that's it for tonight, have a great one!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Anniversary to ME

LOL. Today is the one year anniversary of me giving up smoking cold turkey!!! I am so psyched today, I can't believe I really did it. I decided a year ago that when I was done with the 3 packs I had that was going to be it, I was quitting, and I did just that. I cannot believe how much better I feel now. I don't cough in the mornings, I don't huff and puff when walking somewhere. I can breathe freely and I no longer have chronic bronchitis like I did before.

Anyway, I am in a really good mood today as you can see. Here are some of the shops I found on etsy today for Halloween items:





Well, check them out if you get a chance and have a great day...... :-)

Saturday, October 11, 2008


So, yesterday I decided I needed to go do some things and I would drive myself instead of waiting for my daughter to take me. OMG, you don't realize all the muscles you use when driving until you've had surgery. I was so tired and hurting by the time I got home that all I wanted to do was take one of my pain pills and go to bed, at 2:30 in the afternoon!!!!

Seriously, I had purposely not taken a pain pill because I was going to be driving. I knew I would be in some pain, the thing is, every time I went to do something it hurt me to do it. I couldn't even use my left arm when turning the wheel! I did get my errands done but I learned that I am not yet ready to drive.

So, I did some more surfing on etsy and here are some of the shops I found for Halloween....

It's the small things(It's the simple things)

Funky Orange

KJM Silks

Home for the Holidays

There are lots more of course, those are just the ones I found in the last 15 or so minutes. Why not take a stroll through etsyland yourself today? Talk to you tomorrow. :-)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Eye Openers

Well, I recently had surgery on my arm. I had an inflamed ulnar nerve and carpal tunnel in my left arm. I asked the PA before the surgery when I would be able to go back to work and he said oh it will only be about a week. Well, needless to say that was wrong. here I am a week and a half later and the other PA says it will take at least 2 weeks and probably 3 weeks. I can use my arm but not nearly as well as before. I have to slowly get back into using it. I am currently typing one handed, not fun.....LOL.

I did find some more Halloween related shops check these out when you get a chance......

Peg Ander's shop


The Porkchop Show

Becky's Bags

Luna Clay Design

That is just a few of the shops that I found today, will look again tomorrow though so check back.
I will try to write more tomorrow, but for today I am kind of tired. Bye for now. :-)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Beginning

Hi all, well, this is the beginning of my blogging. Well, not really, I had a blog a year or two ago but had no idea what I was doing. LOL.

Let's see, first I am a jewelry designer, I make beaded jewelry both strung pieces and beadwoven pieces. I also do the new Scrabble©tile pendants. I recently opened a shop on etsy and am having great fun with it, take a look sometime.....

There are so many great artisans on etsy. I have only scratched the surface so far and I have been on there daily looking at the different stores. I found some great shops for Halloween.... check them out.....Butterflygems-Scraps of time-Trevino Blanquet Glass.....and that is only 3 of them.

I wonder sometimes about how we got so machine made oriented. I know when I was a child we would make the decorations for the Christmas tree. We usually made our costumes for Halloween too, or at least our mother did. :-)

Well, I think that's it for today, come back and see me and I promise to keep up with my blogging.